The School of Chemical Sciences thanks you for your interest in the SCS Science Image Challenge!
Submissions for the 2023 SCS Science Image Challenge are closed - we look forward to your submissions next year.
The School of Chemical Sciences (SCS), the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) and the Department of Chemistry would like to thank Willard Airport in Champaign, IL for hosting the finalist and winning images of the Science Image Challenge.
We invite SCS graduate and undergraduate students, postdoctoral associates/fellows, and staff (excluding Faculty members) to participate by submitting a computer-assisted or traditional scientific image designed to inform, educate and inspire. The entrant’s Principal Investigator must be a faculty member or an affiliate/adjunct of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering or Chemistry Departments.
Prizes will include a modest monetary award and certificates, and a gallery of winning and finalist images (see links to the right) will be posted on the SCS website. In addition, the winning entries will be displayed for one year in the VizLab of the School as well as on the School’s News Screens. Winning and finalist images may also be displayed at other University locations. For complete list of rules and conditions please see below.
A new category for "Cover Art" was added in 2019. Eligible entries for this category are accepted cover art images by SCS groups and affiliates. This category allows for images that have been professionally produced or modified. Images will be selected for display in the School of Chemical Sciences, however no monetary awards are given.
Computer-assisted or traditional scientific image reflecting object, process or techniques designed to inform, educate and inspire.
Students (graduate and undergraduate), postdoctoral associates/fellows, and staff members (excluding Faculty members) of the School of Chemical Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Please note: the entrant’s Principal Investigator must be a faculty member or an affiliate/adjunct of the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering or the Department of Chemistry.
Submission format / procedure
- Image: an uncompressed image in TIF or BMP format (use Image Guidelines of a leading journal in your scientific area)
- Accompanying text: describing science of the image and the process of image production (less than 50 words)
- Suggested credit: Name, Lab and Department
- Limit: 2 (two) submissions per entrant (not including "Cover Art" submissions)
- To submit your image(s), use one of the following:
- Email the image and description to:
- Use the image upload form at
Submitted images will be judged by faculty, research scientists, and staff of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Images will be judged based on visual impact, effective communication and originality.
- Grand Prize: $150
- Four(4) $75 prizes and certificates.
The winning entries will be displayed for one year in the VizLab of the School, join the Gallery of Winning Images on the Contest’s website and will be prominently displayed in the School of Chemical Sciences. Selected "Cover Art" images will be displayed in the School of Chemical Sciences.
Both winning and finalist images will be displayed in the Willard Airport Cafe in Champaign, IL.
- Contest entry constitutes agreement to adhere to the rules and stipulations set forth by the contest sponsors.
- Any entrant or entry found to be in violation of any rule will be disqualified.
- Each entrant certifies, through submission to the contest, that the entry is an original work created by her or him and does not violate or infringe the creative work of others, as protected under copyright law.
- By entering the contest, the entrant agrees to hold harmless the School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for all legal and administrative claims, to include associated expenses that may arise from any claims related to his or her submission or its use.
- Entrants retain all copyright and equivalent rights but give the School of Chemical Sciences nonexclusive rights to use their names, likenesses, quotes and submissions for educational publicity and/or promotional purposes. This includes but is not limited to, website display, print materials and exhibits.
- The School of Chemical Sciences reserve the right to use semifinalist and finalist winners names and entries for educational publicity and/or promotional purposes, including website or exhibition of winning entries. It is understood that entries will be shared with reporters covering these awards and for promotion of the competition itself.
- The School of Chemical Sciences is not responsible for any claims or complaints from third parties should these visualizations be published or exhibited.
- The School of Chemical Sciences has the final say on any point not outlined in the entry rules.
- The School of Chemical Sciences will not respond to any claims or inquiries regarding the contest results.
- Information requested on the entry form will be used to determine how and if the competition is meeting its goals, purposes and audience. Submission of this information is also necessary to contact entrants. Failure to provide this information can affect chances of winning.
- If an insufficient number of qualified entries are received, the sponsoring organizations reserve the right to modify or cancel the competition prior to announcing winners.
- All contestants agree that they, their heirs and estates, shall hold harmless the School of Chemical Sciences for any and all injuries and/or claims arising from participation in this contest, including that which may occur while traveling to or participating in contest activities.