03/21/2024 - Two graduate students from labs within the School of Chemical Sciences have been selected as Research Live! finalists. Aravind Baby (Rodriguez-Lopez lab) and Kyle Timmer...
03/05/2024 - The Department of Chemistry encourages postdoctoral researchers to apply for the...
10/23/2023 - On Friday, October 20th, members of the School of Chemical Sciences (SCS) community gathered to honor and appreciate the outstanding commitment of the Academic Professional and Civil Service staff....
10/20/2023 - Don Marrow, Associate Director of Budget & Resource Planning in the School of Chemical Sciences since April 2022, was recently highlighted in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Staff...
03/31/2023 - Chemical engineers play a crucial role in formulating solutions to the world’s most critical issues, including climate change, aging infrastructure, food and water insecurity, supply chain...
03/31/2023 - AbbVie is offering a mentoring program for PhD students who are interested in gaining exposure to industry. Each student is paired with one scientist from AbbVie. The mentorship experience focuses...
01/12/2023 - Christopher Rao has agreed to serve as Head of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, beginning January 16, 2023. Venetria K. Patton, Harry E. Preble Dean of the College of Liberal...
12/16/2022 - Thank you to all who participated in the Image Challenge, and congratulations to the winners! Please mark your calendars for the Award Ceremony on February 15, 2023 at 4:00 pm in the Chemistry...
11/29/2022 - Prof. Paul Kenis began his term as Director of the School of Chemical Sciences on November 16, 2022. Kenis holds the Elio Eliakim Tarika Endowed Chair and Professor of Chemical Engineering and...
11/27/2022 - The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering has a number of outstanding graduate students! Recently, a number of them have won awards for their research presentations at various...
08/31/2022 - Chemistry graduate student Anita Wo and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering graduate student Claudia Berdugo-Díaz were formally recognized at the Gender Equity and...
07/19/2022 - This past academic year, an amazing 578 pounds of plastic gloves were diverted from the waste stream in the Department of Chemistry Teaching Labs. Rather than being thrown away, those gloves went to...
01/21/2022 - The ...
11/03/2021 - Topic U.S. Department of State Information Session Description Prepare for the Government Fair on November 5th by learning about the range of student and...
07/28/2021 - Plan your calendar by reviewing the upcoming SCS Seminars of Interest!