(Located in A151 CLSL) 1H Freq: 750 MHz (17.6 Tesla)
A four channel, multinuclear solution and solids Agilent VNMRS NMR instrument. All channels have waveform generators with pulse shaping capability. Pulsed Field Gradient (PFG) capability (X, Y, Z) available.
Available Solution probes:
- 5mm Varian 1H{13C/15N} PFG X, Y, Z probe (-20 to +80°C)
- 5mm Varian 1H{13C/15N} PFG Z probe (-20 to +80°C)
- 10mm Varian 15N-31P BB probe (-150 to +150°C)
- 10mm Nalorac 73Ge-15N BB probe(-150 to +150°C)
- 3mm Varian 13C{1H} probe (-100 to +100°C)
- 5mm Varian 13C{1H} probe (-100 to +100°C)
Available Solid State probes:
- 4mm T3 Triple Res HXY Solids Probe
General Specifications:
- Homonuclear and heteronuclear decoupling
- All BioPack and ChemPack pulse sequences available
- DOSY capability
- Variable temperature range varies with the probe
- FTS(-80°C) cooler unit and liquid nitrogen VT bucket (-150°C)
Host Computer:
- Dell Precision T3500
- Red Hat Linux 5.3
- VNMRJ 4.2A