- Abbreviated Command and Parameter List
- Apodization
- Arrayed NMR Experiments at Constant Temperature
- 13C Sensitivity for Mass Limited Samples Nano Probe vs 3mm 13C{1H}
- DEPT for the U500, VXR500, and U400
- Deuterated NMR Solvents
- Deuterium 2H-NMR in the SCS NMR Lab - UI500NB Only
- External Referencing of Samples
- Homodecoupling
- 1H{31P} — Phosphorus Decoupled Proton NMR on the UI400 or U500
- Locking
- Manipulation of Multiple Spectra
- 90 Degree Pulse Width Determination
- NMR Chemical Shifts
- NOE 1D Difference Experiment-cyclenoe NOE
- NOESY1D-(DPFGSE NOE) Experiment for Measurement of Transient NOE’s
- Optimizing 1D Array Acquisition Parameters
- Performing the H-1 and F-19 NOE Experiment
- Phase Sensitive 2D Data
- Phosphorus 31 Standard QUAD Probe [1H/19F] - [15N-31P] Broadband Probe
- Processing and Phasing Phase-Sensitive 2D Data (includes gHMQC, gHSQC)
- Quick Instructions for No-D NMR or How to Take a Spectrum of Your Reaction Mixture
- Quick pw90 (90 Degree Pulse Width) Determination
- Quick T1 Determination
- Sample Preparation, Positioning, and Insertion
- Selective Decoupling: Homo-Decoupling of 1H-19F
- Shimming
- Shimming an NMR Magnet
- Solvent Pre-Saturation - Suppression of the Solvent Peak
- Solvent Pre-Saturation of Two Peaks - Double Solvent Suppression
- T1 Measurement
- T2 Determination
- User Macros
- UI500NB Advanced 1D and 2D NMR
- Variable Temperature Control Using a Cold Bath
- Variable Temperature Control Including Use of the FTS Unit