(Located in 148 RAL) A three channel, multinuclear solution FT-NMR instrument. All channels have waveform generators with pulse shaping capability. Pulsed Field Gradient (PFG) capability (Z only) available.
Available probes:
- 5mm Nalorac QUAD probe (1H, 19F, 13C, 31P) PFG Z probe (default probe)
- 70 microL Varian 13C{1H} Nanoprobe
General Specifications:
- Deuterium lock and unlocked mode of operation.
- Homonuclear and heteronuclear proton decoupling.
- Variable temperature capability with a range dependent upon the probe.
- Deuterium gradient shimming module.
- FTS(-40°C) cooler unit
Host Computer:
- Sun Ultra5
- Solaris 8
- VnmrJ 2.1B