04/27/2021 - The next Korean placement/proficiency test on Friday, August 20 2021 for students who: Plan to take a Korean language class in FA21 for LOTE requirement, etc. and they have prior knowledge of...
04/16/2021 - The University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Chemistry is hosting a graduate program early preview weekend on Sept 23-26, 2021, called...
02/26/2021 - Apply now. Clare Boothe Luce Research Scholars for Women Undergraduates in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering. Application Deadline EXTENDED: March 7, 2021...
08/24/2020 - Are you interested in study abroad, but concerned about the cost? The Gilman International Scholarship Program provides awards of $5,000 (plus up to...
04/08/2020 - ATTEND RECOGNITION, INSIGHT, AND OPENNESS (RIO) ONLINE! These times are not easy. Classes have switched online, we’ve been told to maintain social distance, and life is very different than it was...
05/17/2018 - Thirty-two University of Illinois students have won National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships including 11 students from the Department of Chemistry. Four of the additional 21...
05/15/2018 - Professor Prashant Jain and his colleagues report they can use light to drive two-electron chemical reactions, enhancing a method for converting CO2 into hydrocarbons....
05/14/2018 - Researchers Sangjin Hong, Yuhang Wang, Chang Sun, Emad Tajkhorshid and Robert Gennis determined the structure of a supercomplex of enzymes many bacteria use to generate energy....