Express Advising is for current SCS majors and non-majors who have quick questions about topics such as time-sensitive schedule changes, digital signatures or approvals, declaring a Chemistry or Biomolecular Engineering minor, or transferring into Chemistry, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, or CS+Chemistry.
Current majors who need to discuss more in-depth topics, like course planning, degree completion, research experiences, academic concerns, etc., should schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with their assigned advisor.
Monday - 1:30 to 2:30 PM In-Person Advising -110 Noyes Lab
Tuesday - 1:30 to 2:30 PM Virtual Advising
Wednesday 1:30 to 2:30 PM In-Person Advising -110 Noyes Lab
Thursday - 1:30 to 2:30 PM In-Person Advising -110 Noyes Lab
Friday - 1:30 to 2:30 PM In-Person Advising -110 Noyes Lab